Captivating Presence

Enhance Your Performance with Presentation Skills

Enhance Your Performance with Captivating Presentation Skills

  • Challenges with Public Speaking?

    Do you struggle to deliver complex ideas in a memorable way when speaking impromptu?

    Is speaking anxiety holding you back from reaching your full potential?

    If you answered YES to these questions, our Captivating Presence Presentation Skills training is tailor-made for you. We offer a comprehensive program that guarantees a substantial and permanent improvement in your speaking abilities, both vocal and commanding presence

  • Voice Mastery

    Learn proper breathing techniques to govern your voice's tone, volume, and tempo.

    Master Articulation: Practice enunciating words and sounds distinctly. Clear articulation ensures your message is comprehensible and avoids misunderstandings.

    Embrace Vocal Variation: Learn how to alter your pitch, tone, and pace. A dynamic voice captures attention and keeps your audience engrossed.

  • You Can Benefit from Our Captivating Presence Presentation Skills

    Professionals from various fields, including accountants, lawyers, executives, sales staff, and aspiring leaders, will all find tremendous value in our training sessions. Whether you are in the early stages of your career or already a successful leader, our workshops will elevate your speaking skills to match your advanced analytical and writing abilities.

  • Our Training

    With over 25 years of experience, we have perfected our presentation skills in workshops to deliver transformative results. Our approach incorporates expert coaching, extensive expert-quality voice work, guided exercises, extensive practice, video recordings for feedback, and personalized performance recommendations.

    Our training equips you to confidently present complex thoughts and ideas in formal settings and master the art of impromptu speaking in both large and small meetings.

  • Invest in You when you invest in our Training

    Invest in your success by unlocking the power of your voice and becoming a more eloquent and persuasive communicator. Join our Captivating Presence Presentation Skills training skills program today and watch your communication skills soar to new heights.


    Keeping you up to date: I had a meeting this morning with Honda Innovations and had to present Folks ‘Talks as a pitch and get them excited and interested in less than 30 seconds.

    I used my breathing, tone, and pitch and just let the words FLOW... It went AMAZING

    Something in me just took over. Students asked to intern with us afterwards, and a professor at a university who has a lot of resources and connections that could help us was very enthusiastic. There were other people who just came up to me to tell me that I am an amazing presenter.

    Mission accomplished successfully😊 AH

Captivating Presence

Enhance your performance with a captivating presence
Matching your expertise and knowledge with excellence in presentation and
communications skills

Preparing Mentally? Practising How Often? In front of who? How Many Sessions Do I Need? If I’m practising in front of others, how do I know if they know it’s a good presentation or not? What if I freeze and can’t even think? Help me!

WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW   - “Away From” patterns can trip us up and undermine our focus and attention. Getting caught up in these internal thinking patterns drives us away from what we really want. We aren’t asking “What do I want” We’re considering all the things we don’t know and don’t want.

I don't know what room I will present in, who will be there, or how many people exactly will be in the room. I've also never spoken in front of so many people before,


I really don't want to choke up or be shocked by it. I'm really nervous but very excited, and I want to be as prepared as possible.


People I’m presenting to, I don’t know, I’ve never met, and these are new concepts around
a difficult new subject AI. I love the company and the subject, I really want to do a great job for them. And I’m so YOUNG - they will see that. I want to appear knowledgeable and excited about the future.

WHAT I REALLY WANT  - Towards patterns
I want to find a way to use that to my advantage to leave a lasting impression of the capabilities of this startup.

OUTCOMES FOR ME super positive outcomes… launching this into my future.

Captivating Presence

With High Performance and Pivotal Change Coach, Harry Nichols
Book a quick chat and uncover the skills you will take with you, not just for this presentation, they will be with you for the rest of your life. From Performance Reviews, Sales, Marketing, and Presentations to large audiences…he's the one to help you create

“Captivating Presence” with your audience