NLP Core Skills - The Essence of Communications

NLP Core Skills

Powerful NLP Techniques: Boost Your Personal Growth

Master the Art of Effective Communication with NLP

Enhance your communication skills with Neuro-linguistic programming. Learn to influence, persuade, and build meaningful connections. Click to unlock the secrets of effective communication!

Harness the power of NLP to transform your mindset. Overcome self-limiting beliefs, cultivate positivity, and achieve personal growth.

Utilize NLP techniques to set and achieve goals effectively. Unleash your potential, overcome obstacles, and create a roadmap to success.

Dive into the NLP modelling technique and learn from the best.

Discover how to replicate success, adopt empowering beliefs

Some of what we cover:

Communication through our Sensory System - how we develop beliefs below consciousness awareness and then make them ours for a lifetime

Evidence-based Neurosciences integration: Beliefs, Values and Purpose

Rapport Skills that influence and lead

Well-Formed Outcomes Mental Contrasting & Implementation Intentions

Relationship trust-building and sensory language skills are at the core of NLP which enhance self-esteem, self-worth and improve mental cognition.

The Gen Z Influencers

Many companies are working to help new entrants to the world of Business through offering communications and life skills programs. Will the new generation really need them?

Or will the Old generations need to adapt?

For Gen Z this is a cognitive increase in your capabilities. For the elders, it’s an increase in your brain’s capacity to learn new things at any age

“For the older generation, letter-writing etiquette might be drilled in enough that it is instinctive in any written communication. Whereas for Gen Z, social media has driven linguistic change and sped up the spread of language trends”

New employers are looking to Gen Z for innovation and creativity; however, if we can’t communicate it becomes a complete miss match -
NLP is a core skill everyone can utilize

One of the biggest complaints by new employers is the inability to “communicate” in a meaningful way with the Gen Z generation. Endeavouring to teach them existing communication models is at the heart of NLP. Adding neuroscience to this Core Skills program really helps augment the understanding behind communication itself and makes these programs easily pay in solid returns in the workplace.

NLP Communications and Leadership at the core of this 20 hour program

  • Workbooks, handouts and practice sessions

  • ZOOM is a fantastic facility for improving delivery, saving time, enhancing delivery with 2 times 2 hours a session per week, this is easy

  • We can customize the program to offer attendees exactly what is needed

    Working with HR we find the issues and then bring our programs alive for the students letting it become a truly team effort.